The Haryana Government established the Haryana Khadi & Village Industries Board by issuing a Notification. Dated 19.02.1969 under section 3(1) of Punjab KVICs programme and in promoting and developing Khadi and Village Industries in rural area.
The Govt. of India had in August 2008 approved the introduction of a new credit.
The objectives of the Board include skill improvement, employment generation in rural area, transfer of technology, rural industrialization , promoting self-reliance among the people and to build up a strong rural community base.
In addition to above :-
i) To provide financing of eligible borrowers through different Banks.
ii) To provide the training of persons employed or desirous of seeking employment in KVI Sector.
iii) Development in Khadi and Village Industries Sector.
iv) Promotion of sale and marketing of Khadi and Village Industries products.